Students can reach out directly to the following landlines for specific assistance from different directorates at NAMCOL:

  • Student Support Services:
  • Tertiary Programmes

Windhoek: +264 61 320 5281/ +264 61 320 5288/ +264 61 320 5244

Ongwediva: +264 61 320 5505/5506

Rundu: +264 66 255 545

Otjiwarongo: +264 67 304 379

Katima Mulilo: +264 66 253 065

Secondary Education

Ohangwena Region: +264 65 263 845

Omusati Region: +264 61 320 5509

Oshana Region: +264 61 320 5511

Oshikoto Region: +264 65 247 607

Otjiwarongo:             +264 67 304379

Rundu: +264 61 320 5554

Katima Mulilo +264 66 253 065

Walvis Bay:  +064 64 205 990

Gobabis: +264 62564 321

Keetmanshoop: +264 63 222 100


Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Ongwediva: +264 61 320 5504

Windhoek: +264 61 320 5361

Rundu: +264 61 320 5556

Otjiwarongo: +264


Computer Based Learning Centre (CBLC) & Learner Support Centres

Ongwediva: +264 61 320 5503/081 234 7348

Windhoek: +264 61 320 5279/081 845 7736

Otjiwarongo: +264 67 304 379/085 338 2382

Opuwo: +264 65 277 012/081 207 4300

Eenhana: +264 65 263 848/081 228 3113

Outapi: +264 65 251 070/081 238 4196

Rundu: +264 61 320 5557/081 215 6210

Omuthiya: +264 65 247 607/081 419 8880

Walvis Bay: +264 64 205 990/081 626 2480

Tertiary Programmes

Assessment and Certification: +264 61 320 5384/

Student Admission and Support: +264 61 5300

Finance Department

Tuition Fees and Payments: +264 61 320 5269/264 061 320 5510

Scholarships: +264 61 320 5510/ +264 65 233784


Technical Support

Notes Master +264 61 320 5395/99

eLearning Platform (TP): 061 320 5370

Student Portal: +264 61 320 5249/ +264 61 320 5392

These landlines provide direct access to the relevant departments, allowing you to get the specific help you need efficiently. For general inquiries, you can still use the switchboard number: +264 61 320 5111.

NAMCOL offers a range of support services for students such as online tutoring, counselling services, and access to additional learning resources.

NAMCOL provides downloadable study materials that can be accessed offline. There are resource centres and Learner Support Centres (LSCs) equipped with internet facilities across various regions to assist students.

For Secondary Education, NAMCOL provides a variety of resources for exam preparation for its Secondary Education students, such as mock examinations, assignments, past exam papers and memorandum, study materials, and online practice tests. Students can access these resources on the Notesmaster platform at new.notesmaster.com/signup-student. Examination booklets are available at a cost at all NAMCOL bookshops.

For TP students, there are workshops throughout the academic year, assignments, past exam papers, study materials, and online support.

Yes, TP and SE students can take a gap. They are allowed to take a gap year and resume their studies later. However, SE students cannot stop studying during a registered year. For TP students it is important to inform the Student Support Services and complete the necessary documentation to ensure a smooth transition when you return.




NAMCOL will offer only Grades 11 (NSCCO) and 12 (NSSCAS).

The enrolment period for the 2025 Academic Year will be from the 20th of January to the 7th of February 2025.

Learners wishing to enrol with NAMCOL should bring the following documents along:

Original and certified copies of

  • Proof of identity (ID card; passport; driver’s licence; birth certificate)
  • Highest school leaving certificate
  • Latest statement of results

Study permit [applicable to foreign nationals only

To make enrolment accessible to all, there are enrolment points countrywide. These are also available on the website, www.namcol.edu.na.

NAMCOL will provide all learners with textbooks at the point of enrolment.

In addition, learners receive the following basic package:

  • A full set of NAMCOL study guides for each subject and/or textbooks;
  • Five weeks of Block Tuition per year.
  • Two assignments; and
  • Self-supervised study halls (where available).

NAMCOL no longer offers daily classes but offers Block

Tuition only. Block Tuition is offered during school

holidays; The current dates below reflect the 2025

academic year:

  • Block One: 12 – 17 April 2025
  • Block Two: 16 June – 04 July 2025

Block Three: 08 – 11 September 2025

It is face-to-face classes for learners during school holidays. Block Tuition Centre information are available on the website, www.namcol.edu.na or at the nearest regional office.

No, Secondary Education is offered in a distance mode. However, face-to-face classes are offered in blocks during school holidays.

The current (2024) tuition fee for Grade 11 is N$320.00 per subject plus a N$120.00 non-refundable registration fee.


No, examination registration fees are paid separately at the examination centres at schools where registration for part-time candidates takes place. DNEA is responsible for ALL NATIONAL EXAMINATION related matters. Please note that enrolling with NAMCOL does not mean that you have registered for the national examinations.


No, learners are requested to contact the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture to address their query.

Yes, NAMCOL offers scholarships through Regional Councils. Application forms will be available from October/November each year

Yes, During the enrolment process, the student should indicate to the Enrolment Officers that they

have special needs and indicate those needs.

Study permits: this is a national directive issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security that all students of foreign origin MUST first apply for Study Permits at the Ministry before approaching any educational institution for enrolment; they need to have the following documents:

  • Passport valid for at least a year,
  • Identification Document,
  • A valid Visa (if required),
  • Police Clearance,
  • Highest educational qualifications certified by Namibia Qualifications Authority and
  • A Medical Clearance Report.

Unfortunately, not. Only Part-time learners are allowed to enrol. 

The mock exam is there to guide and prepare learners for the final exams, thus it is very

important to write. You can use the mock exam results to apply to tertiary institutions.

Is a preparatory examination for all registered learners, it is written before national examinations.


NAMCOL also offers the Pre-Entry to Tertiary Education

Programme (PETE). PETE programme offers both NSSCO and NSSCAS

for those learners wishing to pursue further studies in

Natural Science, Social Science, and Commerce at

institutes of higher learning. Please note that this

programme will only be offered at Jetu Jama in

Windhoek and at the NAMCOL Regional

Offices in Rundu, Otjiwarongo and


PETE applications will open and close in January 2025.

Application forms can be obtained from and submitted at NAMCOL

Offices countrywide. The application fee is N$150.00

Potential learners are required to obtain:

  • at least an E symbol in the four target subjects in NSSCO

and a maximum of three subjects in NSSCAS

  • a C symbol in OL subjects in order to qualify for NSSCAS
  • should be prepared to write an aptitude test;
  • have own accommodation in Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, Ongwediva or Rundu.


Technical Vocational Education and Training

TVET intakes are in January and June annually. Applications open in March/April and then again in July/August each year.

The requirements for TVET are minimum 23 points in Grade 10 (JSC) or 20 points in Gr.11 or 12. An E symbol in English and for hard trades E symbols in Mathematics and Physical Science. Certified copies of ID/passport and academic certificate will be required.

Yes, they are funded by NSFAF based on NSFAF requirements. Trainees that do not qualify for NSFAF funding, are required to self-fund.

OHS is offered only in Windhoek therefore the registration is done in Windhoek only. The study mode is blended (online and face- to face).

Successful applicants will be informed about the registration date.

Trainees should collect the TVET refund form from the trainer, complete the form and attach the bank confirmation letter. Refund only applies to trainees who have excess funds in their student account.


  • Certificate In Local Government Studies
  • Certificate In Education for Development
  • Certificate in Early Childhood Development
  • Diploma in Community-Based Work with Children and Youth
  • Diploma in Youth and Community Development
  • Diploma in Education for Development
  • Bachelor of Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor of Arts in Youth and Community Development
  • Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development and Pre-Primary Education (Honours)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Open School Operation & Management
  • Master of Arts in Youth and Community Development


For more information, please visit the prospectus on the website at www.namcol.edu.na or NAMCOL offices

Student Support office at 061 320 5281

Refer to contact details under general support above

There are two ways to apply:

  1. Online: Visit the NAMCOL website and navigate to the Documents and Forms section. You can access it from there: DOCUMENTS – NAMCOL (edu.na)

and follow the steps provided.

  1. Manual Application: Application forms and guidance are available at any nearest NAMCOL office.

The application process starts on 1 June and end in August of every year. However, if a prospective applicant misses the due date, s/he can try during late registration at the end of February of the following year.

You can obtain it from the website at www.namcol.edu.na, prospectus and NAMCOL offices

All applicants will be notified with response letters through their postal addresses. A list of successful applicants is also available at regional offices.


Yes, you can use a downloaded form or a hard copy from the nearest NAMCOL office.

An application fee of N$150.00 is payable for both manual and online applications.

No. Applicants are encouraged to apply online. Applicants who are unable to apply online can submit a hardcopy application form at the nearest NAMCOL Office.

Universities and colleges are not all on the same NQF level of study. However, you may apply for exemption of modules once you have registered for your programme. An exemption will only be considered if the application meets the requirements as stipulated in the exemption guideline.

Yes, NAMCOL offers accredited tertiary qualifications. However, all prospective applicants have the right to enquire from the NQA office.

Yes, we have limited NAMCOL Scholarships. For more information visit the NAMCOL website (www.namcol.edu.na)

Yes, an applicant is required to fill out another application form and pay for each application.

You may call the Student Support Office at 061-320 5281 or all the regional offices or check your status on the student portal.

NAMCOL does not admit applicants through mature age but through recognition of prior learning (RPL). The applicants must satisfy the following conditions:

  • should have proof of at least five years relevant work experience relating to the proposed study programme.

You can obtain it from the website at www.namcol.edu.na or NAMCOL offices / Prospectus


The course fee for the 2025 academic year remains the same as for 2024.

  • Registration fee N$2000-00
  • Any outstanding amount for semester 1 shall be settled by 31 May and semester 2 shall be settled by 30 September.
  • A letter of financial assistance from your sponsor (this is only applicable to sponsored students). Please take note that NSFAF acknowledgement letter will not be accepted as proof of funding.

First year students need to register in person to confirm the authenticity of all registration documents. Senior students can register online. Guidelines for online registration is uploaded on the eLearning Platform. All students are expected to register online for the second semester.

All students are expected to pay the minimum registration fee at registration.

Applicants can apply at NSFAF by visiting their website https://www.nsfaf.na

When NSFAF has settled the student fee and there is a credit amount on the student account.

Email or submit your proof of payment to Finance immediately for allocation to your student account. Please note that processing your deposit and unblocking your account may take up to three working days. We encourage students to plan accordingly.

Email addresses: tjiuma@namcol.edu.na or nangolo@namcol.edu.na or G.Kanduriko@namcol.edu.na

Option 1: Cash payment can be made through the cashier at Jetu Jama Head-Office (only). Cashier operating hours are Monday to Thursday 8h00-15h30; Friday 8h00-11h30

Option 2: Electronic or direct deposit should be made on the following NAMCOL account:



Bank:                          Bank Windhoek

Account Holder:       NAMCOL

Account number:      114 114 3121

Branch:                      Katutura

Branch number:        482972

Address:                    P\Bag 15008, Katutura



Indicate “Student number” as reference on your deposit slip.

Email the proof of payment to tjiuma@namcol.edu.na or G.Kanduriko@namcol.edu.na or nangolo@namcol.edu.na

Call 061-3205269/061-3205289/061-3205510.

Assignments are uploaded on the eLearning platform under each course.

A student must score an average of 50% and above in the assignments.

No, a course/module that is listed as a pre-requisite for another course/module should first be successfully completed.

No, you can only register the course/module in the given semester or wait for the next academic year if it has to be repeated.

All workshop timetables are uploaded on the eLearning platform, under “Critical Information”, social media and NAMCOL regional offices.

TP students can add course/module online through online registration. Alternatively, an amendment form can be completed and submitted to the DEC.

All TP assignments are uploaded/submitted on Moodle (eLearning platform) .


Students can put their studies on hold and resume their studies later. However, it is important to inform the Student Support Services and complete the necessary documentation to ensure a smooth transition when you return.



No, but we encourage all students to have internet access to ensure that all students have access for assignment submission and online .



MTC cards dial *131#

TN Send a blank SMS to 124

Dial *682#

Select 2 (bundle)

Select 7 (Activate Tertiary)

Call TN at 11000 or visit the nearest TN Teleshop

Every first week of the new month (usually first day of every month)

Yes, you can register at the beginning of the academic year.


Yes, NAMCOL provides a variety of resources for exam preparation for its Tertiary Programme students, such as past exam papers and study materials and online support.  Additionally, workshops are offered throughout the academic year for Tertiary Programmes students.

Students who missed the main examinations will be allowed to sit for second opportunity during supplementary examinations. No application or fee is required for a student to sit for a supplementary examination.

Unfortunately, there are no more opportunities to write exam after supplementary (2nd opportunity). You will have to re-register the course/module in the next academic year.

For the main exam: Exam admission permit, ID/Student Card/Voters card

For the Supplementary Exam: Main examination results and ID/Student card/Voters Card

In order to pass a module, a student shall obtain an examination subminimum mark of at least 50% of the total marks. It means that you have to get 50% and more in the exam itself to pass.

A student who has only one or maximum two failed examinable module/s preventing the student from graduating.

Special examination applications are open as from January of every year. Special examination is written once a year, at the beginning of Feb/March

By completing a special examination application form and pay the required fee of N$ 1000 per module.

A student who scored 30 marks or 30% and above in the examination. Remarking of exam scripts are only applicable to main examination. No remarking for supplementary and special exam scripts. A fee of N$ 150 is to be paid for remarking.

Yes, you have to pay and re-register the course/module, and submit assignments accordingly. No transfer of marks in failed modules shall be allowed.

Exam results will be released three (3) weeks after the last day of examination. Results will be released once all quality processes are completed and approved.


Students can download and print it from the student portal or

can request an official academic record by making a payment of N$200 into NAMCOL’s Account and send the proof of payment to the Distance Education Coordinator in Assessment and Certification.

Pay N$300 into NAMCOL’s account and send proof of payment to your DEC, indicating to which NAMCOL office your Certificate has to be sent.

Yes, but you will not receive your qualification on that day, only once you have settled the outstanding fees

Graduation verification form and a copy of your ID

Uploaded on the eLearning Platform or request it from your distance education coordinator in assessment and certification.

For April graduation: 28 February

For September graduation: 31 July

Contact the following companies:

P.E.L. Graduation Regalia: 081 202 8932 / 085 746 8923

Red Lantern Trading: 081 272 1901 or redlantern2711@gmail.com

No, the official photographer will be the ONLY one allowed in the hall during the graduation, No other photographers. Contact details will be revealed closer to the event.

Contact your Distance Education Coordinator in Assessment and Certification for arrangements.


The student portal is an online platform or website serving as a centralised hub for students to access academic information, services, and resources in real-time. The portal provides personalised access to essential information, including Academic Records, Examination results, Registration, Application and Financial Information.

Log onto www.namcol.edu.na and click on “Student Portal”. Login with your Student Number and PIN.

Students may use the ‘forgot pin’ functionality to request a new pin via email. Enter the student number and click “forgot pin”, and the pin will be sent via email.

Should the student experience a challenge,  kindly channel a request for the re-set of the pin to abisai@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5249

iiyambo@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5392

kooper@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5350

Haiteta@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5444

kazenaimue@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5389

makarius@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5505

Contact the Chief Administrator: Students Records and Information Management abisai@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5249; alternatively, contact the Student Records Management officers:

iiyambo@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5392

kooper@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5350

Haiteta@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5444

kazenaimue@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5389

makarius@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5505

The student portal is an administrative platform that allows students to view academic information related to administration, whereas the e-learning platform (Moodle) is a learning management system providing a platform for students and tutors to interact through teaching and learning.


The username is the student number and the password is a default password which is made up of a word “Student” and the last two numbers of the current academic year. e.g. Student@24

  • Access course content.
  • Submit Assignment.
  • Have an online class with the tutor.
  • View assignment grades.
  • Chat with the tutor and fellow students.

Contact your programme Distance Education Coordinators under Admission and Student Support:

Mwahangeshapwa@namcol.edu.na or 065 233782

Rolens@namcol.edu.na or 65 233 796

Pohamba@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5352

Namulo@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5370

Ndaoya@namcol.edu.na or 061 320 5353


Business Units

To diversify revenue for the sustainability of the College, NAMCOL established a division (Enterprise

Development) that is responsible for the exploration and establishment of new business units and strengthening existing ones. The main aim of these business units is to maintain and generate revenue through business operations to contribute towards the College’s strategic objective of sustainability, by locating, developing, defining, negotiating and closing business deals. The following are the College’s current business units:

Computer-Based Learning Centres

NAMCOL has Computer-Based Learning Centres (CBLC) in Windhoek and Ongwediva.


  • ICDL
  • CompTIA


However, above mentioned programmes are also offered at the following Learner Support Centres Omuthiya, Rundu,   Otjiwarongo, Outapi, Walvis Bay, Opuwo and Eenhana.





Campus Radio and Recording Studio

This business unit specialises in the development of educational radio and video lessons for the College. The audio production studio records live bands, choirs, radio dramas/adverts and educational radio documentaries. The video production studio can film and edit short documentaries, educational tutorials and TV adverts.



The Bookshop promotes and sells educational materials based on the national basic curriculum and which are       approved by the National Institute of Education Development (NIED). These materials are developed in such a way           that a learner in formal schooling or open schooling can study independently with little or no teaching, or supervision of a teacher or tutor.


Multi Media Production Centre


MMPC unit offers printing, duplication and photocopying services to the general public. The MMPC delivers    immediate and prompt high-quality services to mostly NAMCOL learners/students and external customers at a cost.             The unit serves the internal requirements of the College and the general public.


NAMCOL LED Digital Double-sided Billboard


In the Jetu Jama Complex, NAMCOL Head Office, in close proximity to:

  • Black Chain Mall in the heart of Katutura
  • KFC Soweto
  • UN Sports ground and Community Plaza
  • Soweto Market on Independence Avenue

Our Billboard is the first double-sided Light Emitting Diode (LED) Digital Billboard in Namibia. Advertising on the NAMCOL Billboard will ensure double views by road users and pedestrians passing the Billboard daily.

Monday – Thursday    07h30 – 17h00

Friday                          07h30 – 13h30

You may also call the Regional Office responsible for your region or Head Office in Windhoek or access our website at www.namcol.edu.na or our Facebook Page.


Contact Person at Head Office:     

Mr. F. Kaukungua

Marketing & Information Officer

NAMCOL Head Office


Tel: [061] 320 5213



Northern Region                                          

Mr. Penda Sheehama

NAMCOL Regional Office Ongwediva

Tel: 061 – 320 5507


North-Eastern Region

Ms. Rebekka Munango

NAMCOL Regional Office      Rundu

Tel: 061 – 320 5554


Central Region                     

Ms. Justine Kazao

NAMCOL Regional Office Otjiwarongo

Tel: 067 – 304 379


Southern Region

Mr. Connie Samaria

NAMCOL Regional Office Jetu Jama

Tel:  061 – 320 5275