Student Welfare

A student’s health and well-being is very important for their academic success, and literature confirms that students who are in control of their personal lives are more likely to achieve academically. NAMCOL recognises the importance of students’ health and well-being in relation to their academic progression. Therefore, NAMCOL is committed to providing access to free counselling and welfare services for its students.

What is the role of the Student Welfare Office?

  1. To assist students with special needs address challenges that they may be facing.
  2. To provide counselling and career guidance to NAMCOL students.
  3. To develop and revise the NAMCOL inclusive education policy and strategies in order to ensure equitable access to education for learners with special needs.
  4. To ensure that learners with special needs receive befitting services that enhance progression in their studies.
  5. To provide guidance and support to part-time counsellors who will provide counselling services to learners in the regions.

What is counselling?

Counselling is a form of talking therapy that offers people a chance to change how they feel and to live better.

You may need counselling if you experience any of the following:

  1. Academic Challenges
  2. Depression or Anxiety
  3. Relationship Difficulties
  4. Social Isolation / Shyness
  5. Life Transition Challenges
  6. Eating Disorders / Body Image Issues
  7. Lack of Motivation
  8. Uncontrolled Emotions
  9. Bereavement / Loss

(Please note that the above list is not exhaustive)
The following Services will be offered at the College through the office of the Student Welfare Coordinator:

  1. Career and Vocational Counselling
  2. Study methods
  3. Individual and Group Counselling
  4. Psychosocial and academic support for leaners
  5. Support for learners with Special Educational needs
  6. Psychometric Testing
  7. Student Counselling Workshops
  8. TVET Pre-entry assessments
  9. Support staff training
  10. Student welfare publications

These services are free for all NAMCOL students, You can get access to the services by contacting your nearest regional office)