NAMCOL offers the following basic package of services to all learners enrolled for NSSCO subjects:

  1. An orientation workshop;
  2. A full set of NAMCOL study guides and/or textbooks for each subject;
  3. Three block tuition workshops;
  4. Two assignments and mock examinations
  5. Self-supervised study halls (where available).

Besides the above, learners have access to web-based reading materials through the website on Notesmaster ( and educational radio and television programmes on various radio and television stations. These programmes are developed with financial support from the Ministry of Education, and are screened on local TV stations and aired on national, local and community radio stations during the academic year. Schedules are made available to learners and members of the public prior to the commencement of broadcasts.

Orientation Workshop: An orientation workshop is conducted at the beginning of each academic year to familiarise learners with operational procedures and academic programme for the year. See Academic Calendar for exact dates

Assignments: Assignments are used to help the learners to master the subject contents, and to make a success of their studies. Learners are urged to do their best when answering assignments. Every year new assignments are prepared and learners receive these along with the study guides upon enrolment. Learners may only submit assignments for the current academic year. Assignments should be completed for every subject the learner enrolled for.

Due dates for submission of assignments in 2024 for Secondary Education:

  • Assignment 1: 02-05 May 2024
  • Assignment 2: 19-23 June 2024

Assignments submitted after the deadlines will not be accepted by the tutors for marking.